What's coming in 2017!
We’ve been hard at work laying out our 2017 roadmap here at Final, and I wanted to take some time to give all of you a sneak preview of some of the things we have planned!
We’re very excited to build and share these features with you - especially considering some of them were your ideas.
Analytics Dashboard
Our analytics dashboard will help you keep your spending more organized. Take a look at your monthly spend, or sort by category to see where you do most of your spending.

Card Controls
Merchant-locked and one-time-use cards are just the beginning. We plan to bring you a more extensive suite of card controls - including limiting the amount that can be spent on a particular card!

And Much More…
Improved 2-factor authentication, better authorized user experience, a browser extension and ApplePay/AndroidPay/SamsungPay are just some of the things we have planned for 2017.
Have a suggestion?
We get some of our best ideas from our cardholders! We’d love to hear yours - just email us at support@getfinal.com.